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Vredestein - New Horizons

The pandemic hit, and the physical venue shows were canceled. Only 6 weeks until the launch of 4 new car tire models. The choice was made to shift to a virtual launch. This must have been the most intense project I've worked on. Designers upped the idea of robot arms holding giant screens that would rotate and swivel. We only had 6 weeks to build the entire project, so I shot the idea down. But the idea lingered in my mind, and thought to give it a try and prototype the idea, just to see if it was feasible within a small time span. 2 days of learning a lot about inverse kinematics, and I have 3 working robot arms that move through a set of choreographed positions. Making space to try things without direct consequences, can lead to fun and interesting creations. Even though this project was pretty extreme, the team energy and progress made was exhilarating. And apparently it showed since it won Site of the Month at the FWA.